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Photos from 2024 Canal Town Book Festival.

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Author Led Panels

10:15 - 11:15

Path to Publishing: Self or Traditional Publishing

Jen Devon, AM McPherson, and Ashley Willow

The publishing world is rapidly evolving and changing. Sorting out the differences between Self and Traditional publishing can leave a writer dazed and confused. One must take a lot into consideration when making this decision. This panel discusses all the intricacies and need-to-know facts about both options, with authors who have navigated what can be described as choppy waters. Let them help to prepare you for your journey towards publication.

11:30 - 12:30

Whodunit: The Craft of Writing Mystery

Linda Castillo, Wendy Sand Eckel and Michael Prelee

Join these three award-winning mystery writers as they discuss the craft of writing mystery, the importance of setting, how to plot and write suspects, and the process of writing a series with the same protagonist. Learn how they make their characters come to life and navigate the twists and turns leading to that exciting ending when the culprit is exposed.

2:00 - 3:00

12:45 - 1:45

Plotting or Pantsing: Designing or Devising Your Book

Pattricia Miller, Deborah Edmiston, and Jason R. Lady​

You have a great idea for a book. That’s awesome. So, now what do you do? Do you plan it out or fly by the seat of your pants? Or maybe something in between. When do you develop your characters, before your write or during? How will you keep all the details straight from the beginning, into the middle and through to the end? These three award-winning authors will share their writing process, strategies, tips and resources they’ve compiled after years of experience, to help you put together a plan that works for you—and make the daunting task of writing a book enjoyable.

Reaching the Masses: Marketing Your Book

Britton Brinkley, Nancy Christie, and Chrissy Hartmann

You wrote your book and now you have to sell it. Being an author involves more than writing a book. You also have to figure out ways to generate interest before it is released, and keep the buzz going long after. In this panel discussion, three authors will share their book marketing tips and strategies in an ever changing market.

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